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  • +1.832.777.5257 (U.S.A.)


Auditing of manufacturing processes requiring validation against prescribed requirements indicated in specifications API, ASME, AWS, NRF, and ASTM among others.

We have our own efficient methodology C-MEIP, designed to allow an agile control of Methods, Equipment, Instruments and Personnel.

Developing your suppliers

Working with your suppliers-base in a common objective to achieve consistency and reliability is a shared duty. BQS auditing can provide you an unbiased and valuable report.


Specialized audits

Product auditing is performed based on technical acceptance criteria, usually by an API Specification or ASTM International Standard, ASME, among other National or International Standards. Contracts with your suppliers may consider specific provisions not only technical but administrative requirements, which are important for quality and delivery of your products. We can support developing audit protocols, checking, confirming and reporting the status of conformance.